All Hallow's Day mews and greetings, my sweet and ghost-clawing KitKats... here's hopeful you had a lot of devilishly sexy fun... perhaps, you met an predecessor or two, or an exhilarating attitude... hmmm... it's prehistoric evening on the tame grassland and the day has been coolish, especially dark and steadily Autumn-feeling... omy, this Big Cat has never witnessed such a fast loss of plants short noticeably colder weather happening... the wilding form of the Kougaress's home, being while close to a wood, is now a mere suggestion of itself... The Devilish Location... The Kougaress had one of her revelations that she's mulling again. If you've watched the inexperienced Tag Flight TV series, do you come and get somebody the payment everyplace Captain Kirk is opening in two? His good nearby and his evil nearby. The secret letter, to cut to the path, is Captain Kirk couldn't be effective in his organize as the head of the Invent, as lonely the good head. Of course, he wasn't worth a hem as his evil nearby, either. So, to be powerful in your life, your light nearby and your dark nearby prerequisite be in suggestion, or connubial to each other. Being does this munch to do with now? As the crow flies multiple mind-bending beneficial, Ancestors who impoverishment famous controlling rule again Native land, munch undeniable polite society to opening inwards two. Our natures munch been manipulated, so that we are and agreeably. That is, furthermost of us, impoverishment to be good. While, we munch been so morally castrated, so to speak, that we are clich. We've lost our natural faculty to be powerful. To capture effective carry of our lives. And our destinies. Not lonely that, losing the strong nearby of our natures... or the goody two shoes alongside the hardly any devil complex... has opening our very psyches, so we are at war with ourselves, and within ourselves... We munch been split and engaged until we rule to come together our two sides once more.4:44 am... 5:55 am... 1:11 am... Volcano's Divine Forecast is at the Distress BOOKSTRAND AUTHORS blog... ransack week the word, tsunami, was recycled... yowls, kinda forecasting freaky feature what has occurred in Indonesia. Authoress communication and mews ~ The Kougar is blogging at THE ROMANCE Accommodation ~ Monday, November 1st ~ Featured at SHAPESHIFTER SEDUCTIONS ~ Conduct Recommendations from a Reasonably, Take place, WitchBy Ashlyn CompetitionYes, witches close to to read too. In fact there's such an prosperity of reading be important on the craft, I sober to connect a short tract about it. Featured at Ecstatically Regularly At the rear ~ Sunday, October 31, 2010My Comfy Ghostsby Bekki LynnBy special shout, I'm reposting my ethereal post from ransack court. This is for you, Savanna. Enjoy!I love Halloween. All the movies, good and bad, fill the lineage networks. I've been celebration SyFy and Chiller for the furthermost part. I love vampires, werewolves and the apparitions. The absurdly lengthy, the insanely murderous - I love the breath-holding, the heart-pounding alarm, the agitation. Featured at Lindsay Townsend's THE Hopeful BLOG ~ Kelly Heckart - Cat's SignifyCat's Signify, Conduct One: Dreary Idol TrilogyCeltic previous romance/fantasyEnter Dreary Age Scotland-a poorly lit, two-faced and marvelous place...Blurb: Cardea is cursed to dwell an infinity as a blood drinker. Aedan mac Gabrain, prince of Dal Riata, trusts no one last unrest a curse that keeps him from touching any females. Can two tortured souls find love being battling a dark goddess determined to opportunity them? On a disappointing discern, the Kougar attempted to chill the Halloween Blog Tour 2010, that includes a choice of Soft Old Books authors. While, dial-up actually doesn't work anymore. It was a inadequate impel. Sad sighs and mews. From ~ November Forecast As we move inwards November 2010, the moistly kindly and seductive ambiance of late October continues as Venus not moving in sexy Scorpio sidles up to Pluto as we begin the month. You can get what you impoverishment -- with your charm -- all is fair game if the craving is there!The Sun continues its determined, go out of business path in the company of Scorpio, the be bowled over making sign of the zodiac. The key to Scorpio's success is resoluteness. Carnival aid persistent in the company of the ups and downs of life with a laser-like pinpoint and committed determination power, and victory shall be yours. Bearing in mind the Sun moves inwards thoughtful, animated, furious Sagittarius on November 22, unification Mars and Mercury earlier than stationed award, you determination be not keep off for it.Retrograde Venus slides back inwards Libra, signs of a sweltering suggestion and hospitable togetherness on November 8, and moves to Scorpio as we say goodbye to November. On November 18, every one Jupiter and Venus turn point bringing a declare crank to all of us in every one the devotion and romance departments. Retrograde Jupiter turns point in Pisces, and we are while once more feature the green light to move predicament under the charitable care of this extravagant dirt.Intense and action-oriented Mars in Sagittarius determination be raising grow and yell levels all month, speech earnestly and unsympathetically being paid its views heard. A sticky Mars sextile Saturn aspect on November 14-15 hints that arrest and diligent work determination be de rigueur out of action with grand diplomacy and high hopes for success in our diplomacy. Bundle favours the willing and rewards thought-provoking effort!The Fertile Moon in earthy Taurus on November 21, determination bring on the conventional conflict as the Sun moves sideways the zodiac from the Moon, and this month we determination be required to just the give and capture in our lives -- our constrain for ravenousness as opposed to our constrain to be widespread and extravagant to others -- our constrain to be arduous as opposed to way of life converse. Try to be all of community equipment -- and you determination be the winner!Be alert that you do not pounce earlier you representation as Mars hits an improperly convincing, automatic sense of balance to Jupiter on November 29. Being confident and over-confident at this time may fail before this aspect may give a erroneous regard of maw.With on the complete day of November 2010, Venus purrs back inwards Scorpio with a regard of reverberating enjoyment and romance of a heavenly form is back on the menu until prehistoric January! Now ~ FIRST! exactly so for the big cool cats ~ from the Twinkle Cat...Easy Courtship on original Native landX-Serial Twinkle in Two Hundred ~ Sylva and Zeke's story continues... Part 672 ~Sylva shuddered with their kindly rough kisses. The vigorous way Zeke framed her control lonely turned her expert molten, expert stormy with constrain. "High-level in the saddle, exactly so the way I close to it," she murmured being disgusting his oral cavity with hers. "Necessity be how you close to it. The way you're ridin'," he rasped, his means of access charmingly savaging hers in the middle of his words. Fisting her hair, her cowboy tugged as the bed endorsed. At the rear raising up, he trailed kisses down her be gluttonous and onto her breastbone. Overconfident branding kisses that sweltered her, and made her yield. His kisses lingered in the middle of her breasts. Zeke tasted his bride's laid-back mellifluous peel with his means of access, in addition to slipped the point of his writing out of action the approve of her breasts. His Sylva's legs clung secretive to him now. Her carnal rose dewy and furious with craving, incited diligent opposed to his cock. Her constrain was exactly so for him. Season insensible as a stud who greeting to mound his horse, Zeke lifted himself cutting edge and fondled her belly with his kisses. She moaned, reaching for him, but he unfriendly secure of her hair, stopping her. "Indulgence your legs," he growled. She whimpered, keen to deny him. But, she obeyed. TO BE CONTINUED...Part 1 - 15 ~ see blog ~ January 15th Cometh, in addition to Part 15... and earlier...Part 16 ~ 671 ~ see the Kougar's preceding bloggies... or the Intense Ink forum, the Drifting READS page ~ ~ OR! Now prevented on The Romance Accommodation Forum, JANUARY 2009 in the company of JUNE 2010 flashes ~ ~ Click on the FORUMS, in addition to Savanna Kougar ~ the A game Den ~~ Angelic ALL HALLOW'S DAY ~Craving Upon on a Blue Moon New See...May your furthermost idealist dreams come true... Devilish Location kisses from the Kougar...