Monday 19 August 2013

Holy St Or Finding The Divine In Unlikely Places

Holy St Or Finding The Divine In Unlikely Places
In the clarification to my beyond post on Ceremonial Deities and Comfortable Confidence, Mad Fishmonger (who beyond wrote a very benign sound to my post on Heresies and Preconceptions) noted:"The condescension towards Judeo-Christian reticence in the layer of the spiritual bulk is merely to a certain extent justified: one cannot help but tad awed by the flimsiness of equipment if one is the smallest bit earnestly evolved. We are all abrupt humans, and yet we all chomp flimsiness within us potentially; with such knowledge one lead not tad "special-er" than any person to boot. Petitioners of Apollo came to his Temples with booming worship and respectfulness; Dionysians may chomp been disdainful openhanded, but even in their celebration give was habitually a intervening and sobering tone of solemnity. Sometimes all of us tad very other disdainful dream creatures of flesh and blood, or clay and water so to speak, than spirit and personification. "I chomp no grumble to imminent the Gods with reticence and worship. In fact, I've habitually complained about how we've lost the "holy fear" which habitually accompanies a notice from the Fantastic. (I responsibility that on the Monotheists too: disdainful on this hastily). Put on are repeated Beings which are wiser, mightier and disdainful above what is usual than us. It is similar that we essential response to Them with dear and awe. But they are not the merely, nor even the maximum widespread, denizens of the Nerve Foundation. And the Judeo-Christian manner largely ignores them or treats them as intrinsically evil.(This is a honestly deferred enlargement. The new Christians transformed repeated distinctive genii and ethnic heroes stylish "saints" working for God and His Pious Church. Entirely persons who may possibly not be co-opted were condemned as "idols" and "devils." With the Protestant Exercise, even the saints and intercessors were cast to the out misery).In a polythestic culture it's easy to find the Fantastic everywhere. This different from Dr. Gabi Greve, a longtime narrow of Japan, gives an squeezing out from Shintoism:"In the role of we remodeled our old Japanese pied-?-terre, we had to do everything about the old toilet. It was message a small pot in the event, with two beams buffed it where on earth you had to settle real traditional at what time drama your job. Under you was the open sewer. The distinctive carpenter established to low the seepage water, inhabit the hole up with earth, and level it with the rest of the event. But before play no matter what, we were interested, we had to pacify the Suijin-sama living in the bog. With rice wine (Japanese sake) and purifying saline and a lot of muttered prayers, the deity was interested that s/he was to be relocated to the wet rice paddies further down the rise. As soon as the water was drained, a department store was marooned in the hole before it was stuffed up, so that Suijin-sama, who cogency chomp been fixed innermost, may possibly find a way out." Gabi-san extremely exposed a web site (no crave online) claiming that this toilet-water Suijin takes the form of good virus -- virus that cleanses the water for reuse in the set down."And at what time we're on the area of feces, here's P. Sufenas Virius Lupus describing his experiences with a less-known but indolent complimentary Roman deity - Sterculinus, god of manure-based fertilizer:"Sterculinus has been instrumental for me in verdict the maximum effectual and plentiful ways to indenture with the maximum shaky and contrived situations in my life previously he came stylish it. In the role of everything can't be transformed by exactly internship stylish a compel that ghost trade in to one's uncouth garden health (i.e., one person's shit is another's fertilizer, as crave as it you put it in the sovereign state place!), sometimes it is message aristocratic to "come into flower," splatter your hands, and go about with your day. The customs to know which attitude is which is extremely a part of Sterculinus' hug in my go through."The polytheistic world challenge a sufficient of Gods and spirits stressed with and opposed to each other: give is no place where on earth we cannot find spirit Stylish a Monotheistic world, give is merely the One. That which He declares holy is holy: all to boot is cast to the winds dream pull somebody's leg. If He is not to be found in decked out idols or simple sacred groves, He definitely won't patronize to be found in a septic container, a whorehouse or a decomposed cash in of crush. And as the Draftsman grows ever disdainful uninvolved from His run, persons who grew up tribulation give was merely One God find it message as easy to fake give is none at all.This is the place in which repeated modern Pagans find themselves. They chomp rejected their God and the maximum early and stupid of His purported commandments. They chomp replaced YHVH the Distasteful Gym Moot with kinder, gentler parental models. But they chomp not yet questioned the prejudices and preconceptions which come with His knowledge. Their gods are indolent uninvolved and considerably. Sometimes they are even non-existent: repeated who turn your back on God & Son chomp stuffed the reserve with "archetypes" and "symbols." Others accept their certainty, but fake They speak merely using ancient myths and stories from elapsed Blond Ages.Possibly the critical lie of the Monotheistic Invasion is this: the Gods no longer speak with us. If we are to character Them another time as they what time were respected, we must not be deceived. We must know that the stories from the olden are above what is usual, but so too are the stories which They correspond with us round and now. And one of the best ways of play this is to carry out the Gods of our time and our place. Dig is important: give are repeated good reasons for studying the cultures in which our Gods were head of state worshipped. But if we are to make our religion a important esteem instead of an sage exploit, quite or subsequently we chomp to abandon looking in libraries and start exploring the shithouse.From the Kenaz Filan Blog