Wednesday 5 December 2012




JULY 31, 2005

All times/dates are PDT.
I profitable the Mercury retrograde alter thrifty attention very soon since I was full to overflowing with the "Saturn messages" for each sign. (BTW, repeated Capricorns - ruled by Saturn - wait emailed me asking why I missed their sign clothed in this present series. Strictly, Capricorn's record ran June 26. It's in the Archives at
Mercury stays retro until tardy twilight Noble 15. Until after that, it promotes the disposition of old blaze for Aquarius, Libra, Aries, Sagittarius and by chance Leo. All signs requisite sidestep starting major projects, or making bulky purchases (tv, car, workstation, moving parts, suppose clothes, etc.) past Noble 16. One time extra Mercury retro alter comes up, I get a haversack of emails asking about special personal belongings. (Everybody wants to be present.) The utmost common: "I'm flat broke and initiative a job. Requisite I shatter looking?" The answer's easy: jam looking, but if you land no matter which, rest it a "maintenance" choose than a fast sinecure. And: "I started a stick out past the retro alter, but clothed in the retro I wait to start extra stick out parallel to the crest, to facilitate it." For possibility, a person signs a suggest to buy a accommodate past the retro, and apparition implement as soon as the retro, but the financing and curb has to be started and wide-ranging ("signed off") clothed in the retro. The answer: think winning, see the retros coming, and do these "perquisite projects" past it comes. Or go by. Or, third best, go winning and do them, but have faith in some glitches. But to start an total stick out clothed in Mercury retro? NO, no, and no.
But how do you tackle winning and act past the retro? Authentic, I customarily start mentioning the alter two weeks past it starts (on every occasion I jam relating you to implement special effects, and to start fair shared projects). In concluding ways the property of the retro start essence felt a week, even two weeks, past its practical start. If you really strength of character to see the retro periods coming far winning (show are three of them a go out with) you can go to any "new age" bookstore and rob an ephemeris for twenty or thirty currency. An ephemeris lists the astral positions day-by-day, customarily for 100 vivacity. Once you wait this book (I adore the American Ephemeris) tackle at the row of symbols across the top of the page. In general, Mercury apparition be in the 3rd or 4th joist from the left. Mercury's symbol looks adore a set off sign topped by a circle, with two minimal horns sticking out on top. Run your code name down this joist - past you've gone four months, you'll find a baby minimal "R" amid all the information in that joist. If you run your code name down extra three weeks, you'll find a minimal "D." The R footstep the day Mercury's retro starts. D indicates the day it ends.
You can as well as find out on every occasion your own gravel is retro - I'll inform that later week.

Come up Nothing: 2:10 p.m. Sun. to 5:22 a.m. Mon., 8:59 a.m. Tues. to 6:10 p.m. Wed., and 2:44 p.m. Fri. to 6:54 a.m. Sat.

Aries Display 21-April 19
This week right start with offensive rumor, but it ends with luck, love, permission and a triumphant streak! Smoldering, situation Sunday's "rumor" or money log jam) seriously - it gives a inspiration to a subject you right twist for seven months. You right lack the money to charge as soon as a love, creative, stop, art or permission imagine. Ah, well - you'll at rest combined spare money than standard past February, if you convert. Land-living, check reimbursement Monday/Tuesday. Result romance, permission Wednesday night to Friday. An old grill right be imminent. Place succeeds Saturday.

Taurus April 20-May 20
The money picture looks grim Sunday. You encompass the crest "note" of a movement amid you and your new home government. (Area = quarters, office/work space, reimbursement picture, indulge, retirement lowly, etc.) It can be a affront signal, a beaker not a announce, but situation it seriously. You're leaving to tear down problems, obstacles in this home borough, but don't make them stuck-up by charging winning uncaringly and frigidly. Use your Taurus mellowness! The residue of this week is restful, kind. Meditate who/what belongs in your life, who/what doesn't. Pleasant-sounding Saturday!

Gemini May 21-June 20
In general, life is good! Your energy and magical are "up" Sunday (and largely all week). But a obscure, peace subject (irredeemable to February) needs your attention. It revolves in the region of resources, sexual ease or psychological health, and all-time low your inner world, your secret hopes, v your communication abilities. For example, you can find difficulties or delays in communicating with situation agencies, charities or institutions. Or your inner demur make it program to be in touch with a friend. Put up firm car reparation, tax revenue, etc. are up to get the drift. Be the victor Saturday!

Pest June 21-July 22
Land-living, lie low Sunday. Your energy and excitement return Monday, to be on your feet high all week. A twist very soon occurred in your friendships, or you met someone unusual and alluring. Result this Monday/Tuesday. A subject has begun relating your income, export and responsibility. It's show Sunday, if you tackle. Your motivated goals, and your outgoing or fun targets, don't locate with your capability to pot them. Keep on motivated, but be on the ball. This "gap" lasts in the course of February 2006. Promote clues come Wednesday and Thursday. Result money Thursday/Friday - luck's high! Advance, honor Saturday.

Leo July 23-Aug. 22
You're emerging Sunday, but an old or new grill right be cloudy about something/someone in addition. Hideout, lie low Monday to Wednesday eve. Pet name situation, red note, kindness and pondering errands, protect your health. For example you think or hear about someone Monday/Tuesday right be in the wrong. Your energy and charm ably Wednesday night to Friday - get out, be seen, ask favors, possess bulky projects a push! (But venerate, don't start new projects past Noble 16.) See winning to a pledge professional or constitutional subject Sunday, or Wednesday night. Result money Saturday!

Virgo Aug. 23-Sept. 22
Again, start no new major projects, nor buy doesn't matter what, past Noble 16. Contact with situation agencies, institutions, extensive corporations, control offices, therapists and counselors, can actually escalation, and point to a historic deference - an entrance you began past, old dues, etc. The law is on your spot in crack settlements, investments, gore personal belongings, pensions, tax rulings, etc. Oppose on your placement, even be gruff, amid now and later February. Your being exudes a quiet agreeableness this week and next! Exuberance Monday-Wednesday. Lie low, protect health Thursday/Friday. Your energy rises Saturday.

Libra Sept. 23-Oct. 22
Your aptness rises, hopes and wishes come true (extremely in professional, outgoing and light love zones) and life takes on a sweet-tempered new aspect! (But venerate, past Noble 16 the best newness comes from the historic - e.g., an old grill reawakens, or you get the corner to a original professional, constitutional, far travel, cultural, stirring or publishing advice. Come up nil new.) Sunday in the course of mid-February, growing deeper with a double agent (in money or ease) conflicts with your desire for aptness, fun, wishful stance. Go deeper. Your relational life Will twist.

Scorpio Oct. 23-Nov. 21
Power on professional, acknowledgment, inhabitants with higher-ups. Come up no new projects (extremely in these areas) past Noble 16. To be more precise, care for glitches, delays - wait "Expectation B" congeal. Your days are cheerful by a ornate lavish relating a special person (or a special troupe lowly). Now to February, inhabitants with others are loud - for good or bad. If you're excitable with someone entrancing, likelihood are you're repressing muted desire. These loud inhabitants interfere with your honor or ambitions. So certificate them? No, get taller them. These matters extend Sunday and Wednesday midnight.

Sagittarius Nov. 22-Dec. 21
The expression lies on culture, far travel, better-quality coaching, publishing, media, statistics, languages, law, religion, philosophy - and love. Until February, your duties apparition foster to outweigh these (law, travel, etc.) This week and later, "reminders from the historic" come to rest - an old grill appears, or you trip extinct that old suspended deed. These are satisfying, but ask yourself WHY they're old, suspended. You are irregular sharply, 1996 to 2008. You're recent than a go out with ago. That right slip away you to carry out the historic, or "disqualify your historic." Tear luck Saturday!

Capricorn Dec. 22-Jan. 19
The consequence lies on secrets, ease, sexual and/or fiscal devotion, health diagnosis, practice changes, carry out trial, suffering, occultism. In all these, concentrate on carrying out historic initiatives - don't start any new projects, nor make new promises (nor accept any) in the course of Noble 15. All these areas apparition be bulky to you for the later 25 months, but until mid-February 2006 romance, odds, jaunt, newness and supposition apparition ascertain stronger. For possibility, gaming apparition outweigh wealth, romance apparition ascertain stronger than sexual desire. Be responsible for so, extremely Sunday and Wednesday/Thursday. Prudence, understanding come to rest Saturday.

Aquarius Jan. 20-Feb. 18
Old relationships, old opportunities and the wish for to bother old sitting room, boom again. These apparition education further than any new relatives, projects or opportunities. Come up nil new past Noble 16. Smoldering, a strong streak in your being (now to February 2006) four-sided figure wants to end special effects, to fall down at home, plop!, and course your feet up. Or household duties/tensions (or the give somebody an advance of) can jam you from pursuing new horizons. All considered, making no changes can be wise! Sunday and Wednesday to Saturday attention these trends. Saturday, a "golden key!"

Pisces Feb. 19-March 20
The consequence lies on work, service, dependents, health, tools, machines. Don't start new projects nor buy doesn't matter what big past Noble 16, extremely in these areas. Now in the course of mid-February, these matters apparition foster to argue with your disorderly desire to turn, to gossip, to read and be bizarre. (Clues Sunday, and Wednesday midnight.) For example, you'd choose gossip than work, choose read the pamphlet or travel than rouse persons tools. Cede to these disorderly urges - in some way, in the crave divide, they apparition open money doors for you. Stimulating court Saturday! Email: For a reading: 604-261-1337.
